
A Day Off!

REST DAY! Oh what a glorious thing this is. Well one week is done and only 11 more to go! Last week wrapped up with 1:20 run on Saturday, an hour swim on Sunday followed by a 2:30 bike ride. The good news is I was able to do everything this week. However, I find myself exhausted I could be in bed everyday by 7 and that wouldn’t be early enough. My legs are pretty fatigued but I am doing it! Our tickets are booked and last night at my parents we talked about some activities we will do while we are down there. I am getting very excited! I don’t think I have been on a vacation since our honeymoon!
In other news I am home today because I hade a personal day to use and the wind is crazy! I finally made it downstairs to find part of our fence had blown down. I make my way out to see the damage and it hit me…Georgia! She had decided to make a break for freedom. I jumped in my car drove around the neighborhood no GG so I headed for the main streets. Getting a laugh out of the thought she could easily be at the school down the road entertaining the students at recess, so I headed towards Atlas. As I make my down Honeysuckle towards the school I see in the review mirror GG the Fearless Aussie hot on my trail. I think about had I not been home today she would have had 3 more hours to explore Hayden until Will would home for lunch to notice she was gone.
Happy Monday!


  1. Georgia likely spent the entire morning herding neighborhood cars into their garages and taking her favorite half-ripped apart mallard on a tour of what she likes to call her Stamping Grounds (aka Hayden). Sounds like you and GG both got days off today!
